How do you detect multiple optimal solutions in the Simplex Method?
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Multiple optimal solutions can be detected in the Simplex Method when, at the optimal tableau, one or more non-basic variables have a reduced cost of zero. This indicates that alternative solutions can be obtained by pivoting on these variables without changing the value of the objective function.
Multiple optimal solutions in the Simplex Method can be detected by examining the final tableau for non-negative coefficients in the objective function row. A zero coefficient for a variable indicates that increasing it will not affect the optimal objective value, suggesting alternative solutions exist. Recognizing this allows decision-makers to consider various feasible options that yield the same optimal outcome.
Multiple optimal solutions in the Simplex Method are detected when the objective function's coefficients in the final tableau allow for more than one variable to enter the basis without changing the optimal value
Multiple optimal solutions are detected in the Simplex Method when, at the optimal tableau, there is a non-basic variable with a zero coefficient in the objective function row. This indicates that you can increase that variable without affecting the optimal value, leading to alternative optimal solutions.